
Peer-reviewed research publications

§ = dissertation chapter; ¥ = postdoctoral project; * = advised undergraduate student; & = advised graduate student

33.    Cohen, J.¥ and Jetz, W. Geographic redistributions are insufficient to mitigate the erosion of species’ environmental niches. In press at Nature Ecology & Evolution. Preprint.

32.    Kirkpatrick, W., Sauer, E., Carroll, R., Cohen, J., et al. 2025. Critical reproductive behaviors in Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite are affected by thermal variability and mean temperature. In press at Journal of Thermal Biology. Preprint.

31.    Cohen, J.¥ and Jetz, W. 2025. Fine-grain predictions are key to accurately represent continental-scale biodiversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 34(1), e13934.

30.    Kirk, D., Cohen, J., Nguyen, V., et al. 2025. Impacts of weather anomalies and climate on plant disease. In press at Ecology Letters. Preprint.

29.    Morrison, M.&, Cohen, J., Gurarie, E., Van Deelen, T.R. Environmental drivers and fitness consequences of short-distance migration under climate change. In press at Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.

28.    La Sorte, F., Cohen, J., Jetz, W. Data coverage, biases, and trends in a global citizen-science resource for monitoring avian diversity. In press at Diversity and Distributions.

27.    Sauer, E.L., Venesky, M.D., McMahon, T.A., Cohen, J., et al. Are novel or locally adapted pathogens more devastating and why? Resolving opposing hypotheses. Ecology Letters, 27(5), e14431.

26.    Rohr, J.R., Mahon, M.B., Sack, A., …Cohen, J., et al. A meta-analysis on global change drivers and the risk of infectious disease. Nature, 2024(5), 1-7.

25.   Cohen, J. *, Gabor, L.*, Moudry, V., Jetz, W. (*equal first authors). 2024. Assessing the applicability of binary land-cover variables to species distribution models across multiple grains. Landscape Ecology, 39(66).

24.  Cohen, J. ¥, Fink, D., Zuckerberg, B. 2023. Spatial and seasonal variation in thermal sensitivity within North American bird species. In press at Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Preprint.

23. Cohen, J. ¥ and Jetz, W. 2023. Strategies of seasonal environmental niche tracking at hemispheric scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(9), 1549-1560.

22. Gilbert, N., McGinn, K., Nunes, L., Shipley, A., Bernath-Plaisted, J., Clare, J., Murphy, P., Keyser, S., Thompson, K., Maresh Nelson, S., Cohen, J.M., Widick, I., Bartel, S., Orrock, J., Zuckerberg, B. 2022. Daily activity patterns as an emerging means to explore ecological processes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38(4), P324-336.

21.  Cohen, J.¥, Fink, D., Zuckerberg, B. 2021. Extreme winter weather disrupts bird occurrence and abundance patterns at geographic scales. Ecography, 44, 1143-1155. PDF

20. Rohr, J.R. and Cohen, J. 2020. Understanding how temperature shifts could impact infectious disease. PLoS Biology, 18(11): e3000938. PDF

19. Cohen, J.¥, Sauer, E.L., Santiago, O.*, Spencer, S.*, Rohr, J.R. 2020. Divergent impacts of warming weather on wildlife disease risk across climates. Science, 370, eabb1702. PDF

18.  Shocket, M.S., Verwillow, A.B., Numazu, M.G., Slamani, H., Cohen, J., El-Moustaid, F., Rohr, J.R., Johnson, L.R., Mordecai, E.A. 2020. Transmission of West Nile and five other temperate mosquito-borne viruses peaks at temperatures between 23-26ºC. eLife, 2020; 9:e58511. PDF

17.  Zuckerberg, B., Cohen, J., Nunes, L., Bernath-Plaisted, J., Clare, J., Gilbert, N., Kozidis, S., Nelson, S., Shipley, A., Thompson, K., Desrochers, A. 2020. A review of overlapping landscapes: a violation of statistical independence or a red herring in landscape ecology? Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 2020: 1-9. PDF

16. Cohen, J.¥, Fink, D., Zuckerberg, B. 2020. Avian responses to extreme weather across functional traits and temporal scales. Global Change Biology, 26(8), 4240-4250. PDF

15.  Sauer, E.L., Cohen, J., McMahon, T., Lajeunesse, M., Civitello, D.J., Knutie, S.A., Nguyen, K., Roznik, E.A., Sears, B., Bessler, S., Delius, B., Halstead, N., Ortega, N., Venesky, M.D., Young, S., Rohr, J.R. 2020. A meta-analysis reveals temperature, dose, life stage, and taxonomy influence host susceptibility to a fungal parasite. Ecology, 101(4), e02979. Featured on cover. PDF

14.  Johansson, M.A., Apeldorf, K.M., Dobson, S., Devita, J., Buczak, A., Baugher, B., Moniz, L.J. …. Cohen, J., et al. 2019. An open challenge to advance probabilistic forecasting for dengue epidemics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(48), 24268-24274. PDF

13.  Rohr, J.R. Civitello, D., Cohen, J., Roznik, B., Sinervo, B., Dell, A. 2019. Different metrics of thermal acclimation yield similar effects of latitude, acclimation duration, and body mass on acclimation capacities. Global Change Biology, 25, e3-e4. PDF

12. Cohen, J.¥, McMahon, T., Ramsay, C., Roznik, E.A., Sauer, E.L., Bessler, S., Civitello, D.J., Delius, B., Halstead, N., Knutie, S.A., Nguyen, K., Ortega, N., Sears, B., Venesky, M.D., Young, S., Rohr, J.R. 2019. Impacts of thermal mismatches on disease prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation, and latitude. Ecology Letters, 22(5), 817-825. Featured on cover. PDF

11.  Cohen, J.§, Civitello, D., Venesky, M., McMahon, T., Rohr, J.R. 2019. An interaction between climate change and infectious disease drove widespread amphibian declines. Global Change Biology, 25(3), 927-937. PDF

10.  Rohr, J.R., Civitello, D., Cohen, J., Roznik, B., Sinervo, B., Dell, A. 2018. The complex drivers of thermal acclimation and breadth in ectotherms. Ecology Letters, 21(9), 1425-1439. Featured on cover. PDF

9.  Cohen, J.§, Lajeunesse, M., Rohr, J. 2018. A global synthesis of animal phenological responses to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 8, 224-228. PDF

8. Johnson, L.R., Gramancy, R.B., Cohen, J., Mordecai, E., Murdock, C., Rohr, J.R., Ryan, S.J., Stewart, A.M., Weikel, D. 2018. Phenomenological forecasting of disease incidence: a dengue case study. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 12(1), 27-66. PDF

7.  Mordecai, E., Cohen, J., Evans, M., Gudapati, P., Johnson, L., Miazgowicz, K., Murdock, C., Rohr, J., Ryan, S., Savage, V., Shocket, M., Stewart, A., Thomas, M., Weikel, D. 2017. Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11, e0005568. PDF

6.  Cohen, J.§, Venesky, M., Sauer, E., Civitello, D., McMahon, T., Roznik, B., Rohr, J. 2017. The thermal mismatch hypothesis explains outbreaks of an emerging infectious disease. Ecology Letters, 20 (2), 184-193. Featured on cover, Featured in Nature: Sohn Hothouse of disease 543: S44–S46. PDF

5.  Cohen, J.§, Civitello, D., Brace, A., Feichtinger, E., Ortega, N., Richardson, J., Sauer, E.L., Rohr, J. 2016. Spatial scale modulates the strength of ecological processes driving disease distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, E3359-E3364. Selected as best student paper of 2015-2016 academic year by the Ecological Society of America disease section. PDF

4.  Civitello, D., Cohen, J., Fatima, H., Halstead, N., Liriano, J., McMahon, T., Ortega, N., Sauer, E., Sehgal, T., Young, S., Rohr, J. 2015. Reply to Salkeld et al.: Diversity-disease patterns are robust to study design, selection criteria, and publication bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, E6262. PDF

3.  Civitello, D., Cohen, J., Fatima, H., Halstead, N., Liriano, J., McMahon, T., Ortega, N., Sauer, E., Sehgal, T., Young, S., Rohr, J. 2015. Biodiversity inhibits natural enemies: broad evidence for the dilution effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 8667-8671. Showcased by commentaries in PNAS and Science. PDF

2.  O’Brien, D.T., Norton, C., Cohen, J., Wilson, D.S. 2014. Local adaptation in community perception: how background impacts judgments of neighborhood safety. Environment and Behavior, 46, 213-240. PDF

1.  Li, Y., Cohen, J., Rohr, J.R. 2013. A review and synthesis of the effects of climate change on amphibians. Integrative Zoology, 8, 145-161. PDF

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Submitted research publications

¥ = postdoctoral project

1.         Mäkinen, J., Cohen, J., Jetz, W. Model-based data integration improves species distribution models for data deficient and small ranging species. In review at Ecography.

2.         Lu, M., Yanco, S., Carlson, B., Winner, K., Cohen, J., et al. Scaling ecological niches from individuals to populations and beyond.

3.         Benard, M., Anderson, T., Arietta, A., Cohen, J., et al. Phenology and climate change: Insights and lessons from amphibians.