Understanding responses of wildlife and ecosystems to anthropogenic climate change I’m a macroecologist and research associate at Yale University & the Center for Biodiversity and Global Change. About me My questions: How is climate change, especially in the form of extreme and unusual weather, impacting wildlife at broad scales? How are species reacting to reduce their climate change exposure? Research I’ve published 32 peer-reviewed papers in research journals including Science, Nature, PNAS, Nature Climate Change, Global Change Biology and Ecology Letters. Publications I’ve led introductory, upper-level and graduate courses, and mentored 13 graduate and undergraduate students. Teaching, Mentoring and Outreach My research has been covered by Reuters, NASA Earth, National Geographic, NPR, PNAS, National Wildlife, Yale News, MSN, Yahoo, and eBird. In the news I’m also a wildlife photographer! My photos have been published in National Geographic books, a variety of newspapers, and have appeared on 14 scientific journal covers. Photography